Ethical guidelines

The Ethical Guidelines apply to Entec Group's employees at all levels, including temporary employees and contractors, and shall form the basis for all professional practice, regardless of where one practices their profession.
The Ethical Guidelines for Entec Group shall also be reflected in work regulations, employment contracts, and job descriptions.
Suppliers and business associates shall be aware of the content of this document and that breaches of the policy may result in exclusion.

1. Respect and equality
Entec Group employees shall strive for honesty, openness and a correct and good behavior towards Entec Group's employees, customers, competitors, business associates and the authorities. The company and its employees must ensure that they do not contribute to human rights violations.
2. Integrity
Entec Group has zero tolerance for corruption, theft, and the like, and works actively to ensure that this does not occur. Employees must be especially careful when using agents.
Through your work in Entec Group, you shall not receive or seek to obtain benefits for yourself or related persons that are inappropriate or that may in any other way harm Entec Group's interests or reputation.
3. Professional integrity
Entec Group's employees must acknowledge their professional responsibility and carry out their work in a quality and professional manner, including sharing their knowledge with colleagues.
Entec Group and its employees must comply with laws, rules, regulations, and normal business culture in the countries in which they have ownership interests, have an established business connection to or are located in, in addition to Norwegian law.
4. Corporate social responsibility
Entec Group's employees must show respect for the interplay between technology /professional practice and human values and contribute to openness about the consequences of technological / professional solutions for society, the environment, and the individual. A precautionary approach is sought to be used in all work.
5. Environment
Entec Group employees shall always comply with environmental requirements, in addition to the company taking an environmental responsibility related to the production, distribution and use of its products. Environmental friendly and future-oriented methods, processes, products and raw materials shall be assessed throughout the value chain, and where reuse and recycling of products and residual materials are also included in this.
6. Personal behavior
Employees in Entec Group shall contribute to Entec Group having a good working environment characterized by equality, diversity, openness, and tolerance.
7. Harassment
Entec Group prohibits harassment of colleagues, stakeholders, management, customers, suppliers, and others you as an employee relate to, based on nationality, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, functional impairment, sexual orientation or gender identity, including forced labor and child labor.
8. Drugs and alcohol
There is zero tolerance for the use of drugs or alcohol during working hours, and under no circumstances should you be affected by drug or alcohol in connection with work for Entec Group. The exception is on special occasions where alcoholic beverages are served, this only in agreement with your immediate manager.
9. Notification
Entec Group wants an open corporate culture where it is accepted to raise concerns and raise criticism. The procedure for notifying of critical conditions shall secure the person who reports matters of criticism. Critical conditions mean breaches of legislation or breaches of clearly communicated internal guidelines.
10. Confidentiality
Entec Group AS employees treat sensitive information with care and loyalty. Information about a third party that you get information about through your work is also covered by this section. The duty of confidentiality applies even after the termination of employment.
Duty of confidentiality in work regulations, employment contracts or job descriptions does not prevent you from informing your superior if you become aware of breaches of regulations, laws or regulations prepared by the authorities. This also applies to breaches of internal guidelines, regulations or conditions that may damage Entec Group's reputation or trust.
11. Entec Group’s assets
Entec Group's equipment and assets, including computer equipment and office supplies, shall mainly be used for work-related purposes, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
12. Travel, events, gifts, etc.
Entec Group employees shall not demand or receive personal compensation for their services. One says no thanks to gifts or other benefits that can be perceived as undue benefits based on the employment relationship. Receipt of gifts must be clarified with the immediate manage
Employees at Entec Group shall only participate in tours and events arranged by suppliers and business associates when the event / tour has a professional justification or provides business opportunities.
13. IT
There is zero tolerance for using the internet to commit criminal acts, including downloading illegal and offensive data, distributing offensive or insulting messages or materials.
14. Media
All communication on behalf of the company to the media must be clarified with your immediate manager if it is not of a personal nature and in line with these guidelines.
It is expected that the employee through his activity on social media does not put Entec Group in a bad light and that the ethical guidelines are followed. Publication of photos and/or mention of company or customer shall not occur.
15. GDPR
Entec Group shall process and store all personal data in accordance with applicable rules, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
16. Violation
Violation of Entec Group's Ethical Guidelines may result in disciplinary action, either in the form of a warning, termination, or dismissal.